Gift list dev diary: deployment

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll deploy the application to dokku. Dokku is a self-hosted PaaS solution which is great for small personal projects. Its API is very similar to Heroku’s, but allows hosting memory-hungry applications more cheaply.

Gift list dev diary: gift list navigation

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll implement a navbar that enables navigation to placeholder gift list pages. The main novelty required is loading gift list data so we can render the navbar on load and the use of a parameterized route.

Gift list dev diary: gift list form and listing

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll give users the ability to create gift lists and add a temporary listing of a user’s gift lists. The post will focus on the form management aspect of this work rather than the backend implementation, which is similar to the user creation implementation from this post.

Gift list dev diary: API auth

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll add authentication and authorization to our API endpoint. Using the client-side authentication work from this post, we have access to a signed JWT in the client when a user is logged in.

Gift list dev diary: parser tests

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll write a couple of unit tests for our resolvers. The core business logic of our backend application lives in the resolvers, and they change rapidly.

Gift list dev diary: backend persistence

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll use postgres to add a persistence layer to our web server, update our user resolvers to interact with postgres, and add transit handlers to allow us to send dates and timestamps over the network.

Gift list dev diary: initial backend

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post we’ll implement a clojure web server that serves our static assets and exposes an API endpoint. The API endpoint accepts EQL requests and responds with a server-side pathom parser’s resolution of that EQL query.

Gift list dev diary: routing

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. There are a number of ways to accomplish routing in a single page application. My personal preference on new projects is to use HTML5 routing with “normal” URLs rather than hash-prefixed ones.

Gift list dev diary: authentication

All development for this project is shared on github at I will endeavor to focus on the most relevant snippets of code rather than go over all of them on this blog. For interested parties, the github repo is available to survey all of the minor details. In this post, we’ll create a skeleton project and implement authentication in the client using Auth0. Users will be able to register, log in, and log out.

Gift list dev diary: introduction

Most holidays my family shares gift lists with each other, offering up ideas for gifts we would like to receive. A year and a half ago, we suffered a bit of a communication breakdown, and some items were gifted twice to the same person. This was understandibly upsetting, and I spoke with family members about setting up a little web app to help us manage sharing gift lists without duplicating gifts–much like a wedding or baby registry.